首页 EV charging is a basic amenity

With Washington state planning to end sales of new gas-powered cars in 2035, electric vehicles will soon become a primary option for all residents, even those living in multi-unit buildings.

Having chargers available at apartments, 公寓和其他多户十大彩票平台意味着华盛顿的所有司机都可以对自己的电动汽车能力充满信心. They’ll enjoy the ease and convenience of charging at home, won’t pay higher prices at public charging stations, and will be doing their part for a healthier planet.

Bring the benefits of EV charging home

Being able to charge at home is important for all electric vehicle drivers, regardless of what kind of home they live in.

  • 方便: charge from the comfort of your own home
  • 负担能力: don’t worry about paying higher public charging prices
  • 可持续性: help the environment by using cleaner fuel

Live in an apartment, condo or other multifamily property? 转发这个程序 物业管理.

Install 电动汽车充电器s for tenants at low to no cost

为未来的交通做好准备,安装电动汽车充电,供租户使用,收费低或免费. PSE的 & “多户用电”计划为符合条件的多户十大彩票平台提供高达100%的费用,用于为租户安装和维护二级充电设备. Properties that offer charging:

  • Increase resident satisfaction
  • 吸引新居民
  • Reduce carbon emissions in their community
  • Meet sustainability goals for their property


现在申请,让您的多户十大彩票平台考虑从PSE起来获得电动汽车充电奖励 & 多户使用电力.


  • 激励的选择



    • PSE handles 100 percent of installation and maintenance costs up to $10,每个2级充电端口
    • 循序渐进的, PSE电动车专家综合规划:协调设备采购, 网站设计, construction and inspection to save your businesses valuable time and money
    • 由pse认证的充电供应商和安装商提供可靠、高质量的服务
    • PSE covers all operational and maintenance needs for 10 years


    • PSE的资金可以抵消50%的设备和安装成本,最高可达2美元,每个2级充电端口
    • 现场负责设计和管理所有充电设备的采购、安装和维护
  • 增强出行激励

    To qualify for 增强出行激励, 申请人必须证明至少有一半的房产单元是低收入和/或部落居民居住的.

    Empower Mobility incentive details

    For these multifamily housing providers, we’ll cover:

    • 根据pse拥有的交钥匙服务,每个端口100%的充电器安装成本高达10,000美元
    • 或者,在客户拥有的选项下,每个端口的100%安装成本高达4,000美元
    • 需要安装新的变压器以适应充电器安装的客户的线路扩展费用

    Empower Mobility EV rebates for shared mobility

    用来支撑汽车的, 滑板车或自行车共享计划, PSE will also provide up to $7,500 for one light-duty electric vehicle or up to $1,000 per non-road EV – including electric bicycles, scooters and wheelchairs – up to $7,500.

    Benefits to “named communities”



    受严重影响的社区由华盛顿州卫生部指定的人口普查区组成 Environmental Health Disparities Map 或位于人口普查区的社区,完全或部分属于“印第安人国家”,如18u.S.C. 证券交易委员会. 1151.

    弱势群体 社区是否因不利的社会经济因素而遭受不成比例的环境负担累积风险, 包括残疾, 心血管病, 低出生体重率, higher rates of hospitalization, 热岛效应, 欠款/断开连接, access to digital/internet 资源, 获取食物, 获得保健的机会, 教育程度, 估计能源负担, 历史红线影响, 家庭护理, 住房负担, 语言隔离, 心理健康或疾病, 贫困, 比赛, 租客与业主, 有固定收入的长者, transportation expenses and unemployment.

    脆弱性因素列表和结果映射可能会随着PSE的变化而变化 Clean Energy Implementation Plan 发展.


    If you have questions about 增强出行激励 and eligibility, 联系能源顾问 或致电1-800-562-1482.

  • 它是如何工作的

    Bringing electric vehicle charging to your tenants can be overwhelming. PSE起来 & 多户使用电力 can make it easier.


    1. 应用: 描述您的项目和获得增强的Empower Mobility激励的潜在资格.
    2. 评估: 如果您的项目被选中, we’ll assess your site and send you a design, cost estimate and incentive offer (if applicable).
    3. 接受: you’ll accept PSE’s incentive offer and sign the service agreement.
    4. 安装: we’ll handle the permitting, installation and inspection process.
    5. 基金: 只有当你的项目超过每个收费端口限制时,你才会收到发票.
    6. 设置: use PSE’s Welcome Toolkit for tips on getting started, as well as promoting and managing your new 电动汽车充电器s.
    7. 报告: 分享维修问题和居民收费偏好调查的结果.


    1. 应用: 描述您的项目和获得增强的Empower Mobility激励的潜在资格.
    2. 接受: you’ll accept PSE’s incentive offer and sign the service agreement.
    3. 购买: you’ll purchase your EV charging equipment.
    4. 安装: you’ll install your EV charging equipment.
    5. 基金: you’ll receive incentives upon submitting a completed permit, 充电器信息,设备和安装的收据和/或发票. The documents must clearly show the installation date, 电动车充电器的安装地址及安装费用.
    6. 设置: use PSE’s Welcome Toolkit for tips on getting started, as well as promoting and managing your new 电动汽车充电器s for residents.
    7. 报告: share results of resident surveys on charging preferences.
  • Program eligibility and requirements

    才有资格获得PSE起来 & 多户使用电力 program, you must:

    • Be a current multifamily residential PSE electric account holder
    • Own or manage a multifamily property that has either:
      • 五个或更多相连的单位
      • Less than five attached units but is part of a campus
    • Agree to promote the availability of electric vehicle charging to residents
    • Agree to operate charging equipment for 10 years
    • 同意每年调查租户的收费偏好,并与PSE分享结果
    • 根据要求,与PSE签署服务协议(PSE拥有的交钥匙选项协议) 在这里; agreement for customer-owned option 在这里)
    • 愿意将未转让的共享停车位转换为充电器安装空间
    • 仅供客户自行选择:同意在公用或家用电表上安装联网充电设备. 根据网络的不同,可能需要一个专用于充电设备的单独仪表.
      • 经批准的Empower Mobility接收方可以安装非联网充电设备,该设备带有专用于充电设备的单独仪表.
    • Agree not to charge tenants above the cost of electricity used for charging
  • 你需要申请什么

    In order to apply for the PSE起来 & 多户使用电力 program, you’ll need:

    • Approval for participation by any board or approving authority
    • 主要接触点
    • PSE account holder name and account number
    • Total number of units and parking spaces at the property
    • Information about the desired charger location at the property
    • 目前居住在该物业的租户数量,以及其最大占用率
    • The number of tenants who own or lease a plug-in electric vehicle
    • How installing EV charging would be a benefit to you or your tenants
    • 低收入租户所占用的单位百分比(如申请增强的“赋权流动”奖励)
    • 描述贵组织如何为低收入和/或部落社区提供服务和/或福利(如果申请增强的Empower Mobility激励)
  • How applications are evaluated

    PSE evaluates applications in four areas:

    • 社会影响: 该项目将如何以及在多大程度上造福和服务低收入租户, Tribal communities and/or other named communities?
    • 地理多样性: 该项目是否增加了电动汽车充电基础设施不足地区的电动汽车充电机会? PSE是否已经为该地区的电动汽车充电基础设施提供了资金?
    • 用例: 该项目是否会增加PSE服务区域内更多多户十大彩票平台类型的电动汽车充电可用性?
    • 利用率: 根据电动汽车拥有量和该物业及周边地区现有的电动汽车充电选择,在拟议物业使用电动汽车充电的可能性有多大? (请注意初始利用率较低的项目不会被排除在动力移动激励措施之外.)

    PSE在提交后五天内对所有丢失文件的申请进行初步审查. 我们在每个月底对所有申请进行评估,以选择进入下一阶段的项目. 未被选中的项目将被列入候补名单,并在下个月再次进行评估.

    Current and past participants in the program may apply again. 然而, if PSE receives a large number of applications, PSE may consider current and past participation as an evaluation factor.

  • 额外的资源

对PSE的Up有问题吗 & Go Electric 电动汽车充电器 programs? 我们是来帮忙的. Call us at 1-800-562-1482, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. 到5点.m. 或在下方十大彩票平台


Qualifying PSE customers who can save on faster, 更方便地通过PSE回扣为他们的家庭提供新的2级充电器充电. Plus, join Flex EV to continue saving on charging throughout the year.